The Los Angeles Dodgers are making great strides in the World Series! With three straight wins, they're in the lead to become world champions! Ohtani is also doing great in every game, and I heard that he played in Game 2 with a subluxated left shoulder, but he took painkillers. I can only say that he's really amazing. His attitude of leading the team with that concentration and mental strength is inspiring. It's nerve-wracking when the championship is right in front of you, but with the momentum of the Dodgers, I'm sure they'll win it in one go. Let's all cheer them on and enjoy this historic moment together! I can't wait to see what happens. Applause to the players who put on such a great game!
The Los Angeles Dodgers are making great strides in the World Series! With three straight wins, they're in the lead to become world champions! Ohtani is also doing great in every game, and I heard that he played in Game 2 with a subluxated left shoulder, but he took painkillers. I can only say that he's really amazing. His attitude of leading the team with that concentration and mental strength is inspiring. It's nerve-wracking when the championship is right in front of you, but with the momentum of the Dodgers, I'm sure they'll win it in one go. Let's all cheer them on and enjoy this historic moment together! I can't wait to see what happens. Applause to the players who put on such a great game!
住所:東京都台東区駒形1-10-2 黒川ビル2F
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